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Congregation Or-Ami

Worship - Learn - Grow

Since our establishment in 2015, Congregation Or-Ami of Atlanta is known for its commitment to its members' and communities' satisfaction.  It is our standard to community engagement and works that has provided the impetus for our growth into the nonprofit we are today.

We believe that advocacy and service are paramount to our members and for our community.  Our desire and drive is to serve our community and to teach our members  to grow as they witness consistent dedication to the sincere practice and observation of the Torah, authentic representation of our culture, and genuine offering of services and goods.

Get in touch today to learn more about what we have to offer.


Congregation Or-Ami

An Identity founded on Service

Congregation Or-Ami knows our strengths lie not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly, through the actions of our initiatives---our service.  The Creator called us "Yisrael, my servant, Ya'aqov my chosen" and we intend to represent that calling.  Back in 2015, the core members realized that by working together they could have a greater impact and more efficiently meet and overcome challenges.  This realization, with action, lead to the launch of Congregation Or-Ami.

Community Services

Come Join Us

Congregation Or-Ami is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before.  We are committed to community engagement and service, and we demonstrate this through the various projects we operate and administer to that help improve our lives and the lives of others.  We are very proud of the progress we continue to make.  Learn more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.


Food Donation Drop-Off

Reinforcing our Commitment

Upcoming Events

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